Telegram is one of the most secure messaging apps currently on the market, along with similar apps like Signal and Viber. Although the app is free to use, which makes it even better, the founder of the app, Pavel Durov, doesn’t earn much from it.
According to a recent report by The Verge , Telegram is currently testing a feature that will allow users who pay a fee to use new content that they can unlock exclusively, according to a Telegram announcement .
The app formerly issued “sponsored messages,” or in-app ads to generate income, according to XDA .
Telegram Premium Details
According to the Telegram announcement, the app will soon introduce a feature called Telegram Premium in version 8.7.2. This new feature, which comes at a price, allows paying users to use a new set of stickers and interplay emoji that only they can unlock.
Although the feature is not available to the general public, users who have access to TestFlight builds of the app and its test server can get a glimpse of it. Users can send explosive heart reactions and flying ghosts to each other, among other matters, an unbearably sad yellow duck.
Seeing the feature turned on is also limited to only paying users, which means steady users won’t be able to see the new emoji unless they also pay for Telegram Premium. Regular customers who get exclusive emojis and reactions on Telegram will get a prompt inviting them to sign up to view the blocked content.
Telegram has yet to announce an exact price for the new feature, but it is currently available to beta testers on iOS devices at the occasion.
According to 9to5Google , a special avatar creator will appear in the macOS version of Telegram, but it’s not lucid whether it will be part of Telegram Premium.
Is Telegram Premium worth a subscription?
The founder of the application stated in 2020 that Telegram will be used to generate revenue coming in 2021, so it will not have to sell like WhatsApp or disappear like the applications that preceded it.
I first started with ‘Sponsored Messages’ or ads, where 160 character ads are shown in unmarried large public channels with over 1,000 subscribers. These propaganda messages are said to be based exclusively on the theme of the public channels in which they were present.
Notwithstanding, with the current range of offers, Telegram Premium features seem insufficient for anyone to pay. Although the avatar creation feature is neat, and the feeling of exclusivity from it can be appealing to some, most people think that these features are better off for a free audience than paying for any amount.