Management and Security of servers
How Install CustomBuild | how to use custombuild for DirectAdmin
CustomBuild is a utility that maintains DirectAdmin services including WWW, E-mail, SQL, PHP, and others. The majority of the packages are built from source...
How to Install DirectAdmin and Run
How to install DirectAdmin. What is DirectAdmin ? DirectAdmin is a web hosting control panel software comparable to cPanel that allows you to manage your website...
Management and Security of servers
Repair problem – High mysql cpu load but low memory useing
Hello every body I found many people , who suffering from this problem High MySQL LOUD but LOW Memory useing !!! I will explain the case in...
So I was reading a lot of tutorials here on WHT, and found a link to I found on their homepage that they have...
How To Disable Telnet in CentOS
Telnet is unsecure network protocol it send clear text passwords over network. Its highly recommended to disable it on any public server and use ssh...
Management and Security of servers
Email Notification for Root Logins
Get notified instantly when someone logs into your server as root. Here is how to do it. 1st. Login as root in console, for ubuntu...