Telegram founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, has denounced Apple for intentionally restricting web app features in iOS, which “affects the web apps of a privacy-focused messaging app,” according to Tech Times. Durov once again criticized the tech giant, which is behind products like the iPhone and iPad. According to Dorov, by intentionally limiting the features of web apps, Apple is limiting what web developers can do in iOS. This has an effect on the web version of Telegram.
Telegram features are limited on iOS
Although Telegram is available on the App Store, the messaging service has had issues with Apple’s review process in the past. This is because of the public Telegram channel, which according to the source, has no content restrictions.
Telegram also offers a full web version to bypass some of these restrictions. The web version has almost similar features as the mobile version, “except that it is also limited to iOS,” the source said.
Telegram is also available for smartphone users through the web version of the app. According to the CEO of Telegram, many developers are complaining that due to its limitations. In April, the developers of Telegram Web published an article with a list of 10 issues related to the iOS version of Safari. The article, according to Durov, talks about features that iOS lacks such as push notifications, VP8 and VP9 codecs, high refresh rates, and visual artifacts.
Dorov said that Apple is working to “paralyze” web apps with the goal of “forcing users to download apps from the App Store,” according to the source. He added that this was in order for the company to get commission from the developers.
“We suspect that Apple may intentionally disable their web apps to force their users to download more native apps as Apple can charge their 30% commission,” Durov stated.