Best Plugin to Add sitemap to WordPress


A sitemap is a blueprint for your website that assists search engines in finding, crawling, and indexing all of your material. Sitemaps also inform search engines about the most essential pages on your website. Sitemaps are divided into four categories: The most frequent sort of sitemap is the normal XML sitemap.

WordPress has strong plugin for creating Sitemap automatically.

XML Sitemap & Google News – Description

This plugin dynamically creates dynamic feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. Multisite, Polylang and WPML compatible and there are no static files created.

There are options to control which sitemaps are enabled, which Post Types and archive pages (like taxonomy terms and author pages) are included, how Priority and Lastmod are calculated, who to ping and a possibility to set additional robots.txt rules from within the WordPress admin.

The main advantage of this plugin over other XML Sitemap plugins is simplicity. No need to change file or folder permissions, move files or spend time tweaking difficult plugin options.

You, or site owners on your Multisite network, will not be bothered with overly complicated settings like most other XML Sitemap plugins. The default settings will suffice in most cases. To continue reading more about this plugin check this link: XML Sitemap & Google News

First, go to the wp-admin dashboard.

Then go to the Plugins Section in the dashboard.

The name of the plugin is “XML Sitemap & Google News”. Click on Install Now

You will see installing… when it is installing.


Click on Activate

You will be redirected to Plugins section, and you will see the plugin is already activated.

Here you have to go to see the setting of the XML Sitemap from Settings> XML Sitemap

Now, you see the plugin is working and already you have sitemap created. By click on the yellow link on XML Sitemap Index

The link will be like this:

Now you can use it in Google Webmaster tool or another webmaster platform to get added in search engines. Check for more information about how to add your website and register in google webmaster tool.


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