IBM has announced that the Spanish platform ‘ Digital Sustainability Audits ‘ (DAS), has been the European winner of the Global Call for Code 2021 Challenge in which this year software developers from all over the world were invited to build technological solutions with open source to fight climate change.
The Spanish team, made up of four people, has been recognized for a solution that audits the sustainability of websites. It does so from two aspects: the audit of the server or data center where the website is hosted (back-office) and the design and user experience audit (front-office).
- In the first case, DAS evaluates whether the application is hosted in an ecological data center based on renewable energies, the impact of its carbon footprint and provided the bandwidth can be wasted, for example, by the bots connected to the website.
- In the moment, in the front-office part, DAS determines if the application loads images reactively (that is, only when a user requests it), the use of more efficient and lightweight image and video formats or the efficiency of resolution and content on different user devices.
Moreover to the audit, DAS provides guides and advice to improve sustainability in both environments, as well as a sustainability certification through a mobile application.
It also allows users to host websites on its sustainable platform by directly importing their Git repositories. Its platform makes it easy for users to launch sustainable web projects without worrying about setup and maintenance.
“ In the current and future context of climate change, the Internet must be sustainable. And this award is a very important boost in this regard. Digital sustainability audits have become a necessity for websites, both new and existing. The uniqueness of this solution is that web developers can now follow a ‘green’ development approach and automatically see their applications deployed and managed in green data centers ”, said David Monràs, web developer and team leader of the solution.
The Spanish team of ‘Digital Sustainability Audits’ has been recognized by a panel of local leaders in business, academia, government and NGOs. The team will receive $5,000 and will continue to have access to technology and consulting services from IBM and the Call for Code Community mentors.
On the other hand, the Saaf Water solution, developed by a team from India, has been recognized as the global winner of this edition of Call for Code. It is a solution that uses IoT sensors and services from IBM Cloud and IBM Watson to make information about water quality accessible and easy to understand. The hardware and software platform, once installed, analyzes the groundwater and provides a summary of the water quality, as well as suggesting methods for its cleaning and purification.
It is great! Wowo!