False news and fake accounts abound on social networking sites, but knowing the sources of images spread on the Internet is one of the means that enables us to avoid falling into the trap of this fake news and accounts, for example, provided someone sends you a friend request, and you want to know if the published images are If or not the account is actually a picture or not, you can simply discover the source of the picture through one of the following programs:
Online image source detection software
Google Images
Google Images is the primary source for searching images on the Internet, thanks to the global popularity of the major search engine brand on the Internet.
Google Images can perform searches based on an image that you download from your computer or take from elsewhere on the Internet. To perform a reverse image search, you will need to click on the camera icon on the correct side of the search box.
You can then click Paste Image URL (whether you want to search for an image somewhere on the Internet), click Upload Image (to choose an image from your device), or drag Dossier Explorer Images into your browser. Whatever you choose, you’ll see a set of results on the page, including visually matched images.
You are more likely to see at the top of the results the original source of the image, whether Google can get the job done. Whether it doesn’t work, you’ll need to check the results in the Pages with Matching Images section. This will give you some ideas of the possible source of the image, and where it was used recently. The original source should appear relatively high in the list of results.

Bing Visual Search
If you try this program, you will find that Bing Visual Search is worth trying for image recognition.
You can drag images to your browser, upload them to your computer, or even take a picture with your device, and the search engine will then scour the Internet to find matching images, including the original.
A bar of pages containing this image will appear in the main search results screen, where you will find copies of the image that you have submitted to Bing Visual Search: Click on any of the links to see the page in your browser. Whether you are using a person’s photo, the lookalike bar may also appear, which attempts to identify the owner of the photo, which you may find useful in many situations.
Depending on the image and results, a related content bar may also appear, in which you can see similar images and searches associated with them.

According to Gizmodo , Pixsy differs slightly from the other tools on this list, as it is specifically designed to help combat image theft.
You need to register an account before using the site, but you can get started for free, you’ll find the site comprehensive, images can be imported from cloud storage accounts, from computers, or from social networking accounts synced with Pixsy.
Once you’ve imported the images into Pixsy, you’ll be shown any current match on the site, along with a range of options to refine the results and find any similar matches. The site ranks matching results by resolution, and you can quickly jump to the oldest results to locate the original source of a particular image.
For an extra fee, you can get help providing image removal notices and protecting your business. Packages start at $19 per month, and may be worth that amount whether you’re a photographer or designer who needs to protect your artwork.

TinEye has gained a reputation as one of the best reverse image search tools because it is fast, simple and smart.
You can upload the image saved to your device or point TinEye to an image saved somewhere on the Internet via a URL, and it will immediately show you all the identical images from all over the Internet.
You can refine the results to display the most prominent match, the most recently posted online mirror, or the oldest version of the image online, in a variety of different ways as well.
At the top of the list, it is possible to narrow down the results to a specific website search, which is very useful. You can click on any result to see the page containing the corresponding image. It is a comprehensive service, and maybe the most accurate service with which you can get the most accurate results.
Another reason TinEye is a fantastic service is that it offers browser extensions for Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera browsers; This makes it much easier to search for images on the Internet, because you can right-click on any image on the website to begin the process of searching for its original source.