WordPress Acquires Atavist Content Management Platform



WordPress acquires Atavist, a content management platform

Automattic, owner of the popular WordPress platform and other content management and development platforms, announced its acquisition of the startup Atavist , which provides content management services specifically similar to WordPress.

The company said that it will include the new acquisition as part of its new platform, and it will acquire Atavist Magazine, which it owns, but it did not disclose any information about the magazine’s destiny.

Atavist provides an surroundings for bloggers and publishers to publish their blogs and articles seamlessly with an endless number of images and videos, and maybe this is similar to WordPress as it appears in general, but the difference is that the startup offers its services to users away from programming things and does not require knowledge of codes and others to create a private site Rather, the company does it themselves and users only publish and prepare their articles.

According to Automattic’s words about integrating the new Atavist platform with its main content management platform, it seems that the company will provide new paid tools and services to help bloggers and writers publish without having to deal with programming issues.

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