is now LinkedIn Learning. All of’s courses and expert instructors are now on LinkedIn Learning.


This news was in 2015 April.

Goodbye Lynda, hello LinkedIn learning

Soon, all courses previously offered by will be available through LinkedIn Learning. UNSW will keep coming back to this article for staff so you can access the same great courses and gain new skills.

LinkedIn Learning vs.

LinkedIn Learning is all you like, but do you want that ratio between the career you want and you want it. Learn online, at your own pace, with over 5,000 courses in creativity and technology.

University of New South Wales Science Award from New South Wales (NSW) NSW (New South Wales) and current and attractive sales taught by professional teachers.

LinkedIn has just bought online learning company Lynda for $1.5 billion.
LinkedIn only, an online education company, had $1.5 billion in ads the company announced Thursday.

Founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman and her husband, Bruce Heavin, enables learning, education, software, and creative disciplines through videos. People can access Lynda themselves, and can be and can be held for businesses and schools to purchase merchandise.

LinkedIn only, an online education company, had $1.5 billion in ads the company announced Thursday.

Founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman and her husband, Bruce Heavin, enables learning, education, software, and creative disciplines through videos. People can access Lynda themselves, and can be and can be held for businesses and schools to purchase merchandise.

“We’re excited about the possibilities that can come from the integration of and LinkedIn,” said Ryan Roslansky, LinkedIn’s head of content products. “Imagine that you are a job seeker who is able to know the skills needed for the available jobs in the area available in the area, such as practical training, practical training in the right place in acquiring this skill. Then you will be prompted for a course on on the same topic.”

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