Deep Freeze for restoring the same data after rebooting


Deep Freeze, from Faronics, is a reboot restore software application available for Microsoft Windows and macOS operating systems that allows system administrators to protect essential boot.

Deep Freeze makes workstation configurations indestructible. Ensures 100% workstation recovery on reboot. Provides password protection and complete security. Protects multiple hard drives and partitions. Prevents misconfiguration and misconfiguration of the system. Helps maintain software compliance across all workstations. Protects workstations from unauthorized changes once restarted. Install Deep Freeze and let users solve their problems with a simple click of the restore button. It’s that easy!

Maintains your computer’s configuration. Any changes – whether malicious or unintended – are reversed on restart. This is called Reboot-to-Restore as each reboot restores the computer to the desired configuration. Create virtual partitions to hold important data even if there is no separate physical partition available on the computer. Get enhanced security with Master Boot Record protection from rootkit injections and other modifications, making your security bulletproof. Deep Freeze uses patented technology to redirect information written to the hard drive to an allocation table, while leaving the original data intact.

The demo license is available only for 30 days, after which the program will not be able to monitor the partitions anymore.

Deep Freeze Standard – Free Download