Sleeping! is it that important thing to us! I did not know how sleeping is essential for humans and all creatures in this universe, until I read this book. If I tell you; Do you want to be active and with full energy. Healthy and avoiding risk of cancer and diabetes. To be stronger and avoid any other effect. Most powerful about sleeping well, it is your immune system will be stronger.
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What I understand and experience after reading this book ( Sleeping well as mentioned in this book = Successful life + Happiness + Healthy + thinking well ).
Important points:
- The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life span.
- Sleep is the most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.
- Sleep pressure, caused by a buildup of the chemical adenosine in your brain, is the second factor affecting sleepiness.
- Caffeine works by blocking the receptors that adenosine affects (after about 30 minutes).To identify sleep deficiency:
• If you didn’t set an alarm clock, would you wake up on time?
• Do you find yourself re-reading things?
• Can you function optimally before noon without caffeine?
When it comes to information processing, think of the wake state principally as reception (experiencing and constantly learning the world around you), NREM sleep as reflection (storing and strengthening those raw ingredients of new facts and skills), and REM sleep as integration (interconnecting these raw ingredients with each other, with all past experiences, and, in doing so, building an ever more accurate model of how the world works, including innovative insights and problem-solving abilities).
Why Should You Sleep?
Your Mother and Shakespeare Knew
Obtain anything less than eight hours of sleep a night, and especially less than six hours a night, and the following happens: time to physical exhaustion drops by 10 to 30 percent, and aerobic output is significantly reduced. Similar impairments are observed in limb extension force and vertical jump height, together with decreases in peak and sustained muscle strength. Add to this marked impairments in cardiovascular, metabolic, and respiratory capabilities that hamper an underslept body, including faster rates of lactic acid buildup, reductions in blood oxygen saturation, and converse increases in blood carbon dioxide, due in part to a reduction in the amount of air that the lungs can expire. Even the ability of the body to cool itself during physical exertion through sweating – a critical part of peak performance – is impaired by sleep loss.
Sleep and Society: What Medicine and Education Are Doing Wrong; What Google and NASA Are Doing Right
• REM sleep is what stands between rationality and insanity.
• Studies on changing school start times to an hour later have shown higher GPAs following the change, increased life expectancy due to lower traffic accidents, increased attendance, and more.
Sleep and Health Care
• The residency system was developed by a doctor who later turned out to be a cocaine addict, Dr. William Halsted.
• The number of errors vastly increase when residents and doctors are deprived of sleep. They themselves are much more likely to die in a traffic accident after a long shift.
• You should ask your doctor how much sleep they have had before undergoing any serious surgery.
Twelve Tips for Healthy Sleep
1. Stick to a sleep schedule
2. Exercise is great, but not too late in the day. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes on most days but not later than two to three hours before your bedtime.
3. Avoid caffeine and nicotine.
4. Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed.
5. Avoid large meals and beverages late at night.
6. If possible, avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep.
7. Don’t take naps after 3 p.m.
8. Relax before bed. Don’t overschedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding. A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual.
9. Take a hot bath before bed.
10. Dark bedroom, cool bedroom, gadget-free bedroom.
11. Have the right sunlight exposure. Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Try to get outside in natural sunlight for at least thirty minutes each day. If possible, wake up with the sun or use very bright lights in the morning.
12. Don’t lie in bed awake.
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